It was sort of reliving those memories when few of my high school friends and me caught up to swap our stories. We had studied together from our kindergarten till we went our own ways to pursue our under graduation. Whoa, that’s 14 years together. So when we met again (5-6 people) at around 9 PM, it was nostalgic for many reasons. The usual recitations of events that command a mention in any reunion followed by pulling other’s legs were the agenda for the evening. It made me yearn for those golden days when we had nothing to care about in the world and live life to the fullest.
Everybody had settled in their professional careers and it was as diverse as one could expect. They range from being Strategic manager in a large corporate house to running a dance class and performing stage shows. It soon veered towards a more common subject that guys of our age never get bored even after innumerous discussions. Yes, “So when are you tying the knot?” And a revelation it was for one had already got engaged few months back and another though didn’t venture an opinion then, is getting engaged this week.
After a marathon 2 hour session we decided to meet in the school premises the next day (actually it was a planned meet for all the old students) and I was really in for a surprise as I could not recollect anybody’s face baring a handful though separated by few years either ways. I couldn’t stay for the entire session to accommodate few personal errands. All these events occurred during my diwali visit to my native. Having come back to work, the ritual started again last week with the only difference being a mail chain which helped us pulling few more names into the loop. Without exaggerating the mails accumulated in the following 2 days would have crossed a ton and I had to keep moving them to personal folders before my mailbox could become full.
I really miss those moments and I could only hope to meet all these friends occasionally at least if not frequently though reality stares at me with the words “chances are remote”