It wasn’t planned to be so, but for some reason I couldn’t get myself to write something in the past 10 days. I would not even claim I couldn’t squeeze a little time out of my haphazard schedule. Here, I request readers not to spend their valuable time on what comprise of my schedule. But few things, I believe just happen and can’t be forced.
Further I am not sure how to go forward, whether to continue posting reviews or scribbling my views on selective parts in the gamut of our lives. It is lamentable that my posts have been few and far between, so here goes one just to fill the void after a brief hiatus.
If anybody out there still feels why this was ever posted, it was just for the heck of doing so.
Already suffering from writer's block?
You do read books. You can write about each author, or do a book review.
You can write about interesting/ironic things you observe everyday.
How long can i be writing reviews. It looks monotonous. Either there would be occasional blogs or they would tend to be repetitive.
Since it had been 10 days did i scribble one.
Actually i had watched New York few hours before blogging. :)
write on your first days of coming from office to mom's cooking.
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